Variant by Minister X
Map And Starting Positions:
Aetolia: A callium, F calydon, A thermium.
Boeotia: A delion, F helicon, A opus.
Attica: A athenae, F caria, F ionia.
Arcolia: A epidaurus, F iria(sc), A mycenae.
Laconia: F koidaunas, A prastos, A sparta.
Messenia: A ira, A messena, F pylos.
Elia: A dafni, F elis, A pisatis.
Terrain Oddities:
Canal: Corinth (like Kiel)
Dual Coasts: Epidaurus, Iria, and Megara (like Spain nc/sc)
Land Bridges: Abydus - Byzantium and Rhegium - Sicily (like Denmark - Sweden)
Sailing the High Seas: A unit can move from a lettered sea-zone to another
lettered sea-zone if the letters match.
Variant Rules:
Units can only be built in home supply centers.
20 of the 39 supply centers are needed to win the game
Original version of Pericles:
Note the addition of Messeniacus Sinus in the current version, and the extra C and D off-board links.