Wheel of Time

From DipWiki


  • Current version: Wheel of Time 2.0
    • Added Several sea spaces around the Seafolk Isles
    • Added a territory allowing the crossing of the Mountains of Mist
    • Removed the Eastlands as a player, removed the SCs of Dragonmount and Fal Dara.
  • Wheel of Time 1.0 Created 2007, playtested in dc134

Variant created by Jason Koeleywn This is Version 2 of this variant. A number of changes were made after a very successful playtest of Version 1.

Playtest for version 2 is currently recruiting.

Wheel Of Time.GIF

Powers And Starting Positions:

  • Trollocs: a Shayol Ghul. (Non Playable)
  • SeaFolk: f The Aryth Ocean, f Sea of Storms, f Tremalking.
  • Borderlands: a Shienar, a Arafel, a Kandor.
  • WestLands: a Arad Doman, a Katar, a Tarabon.
  • Southlands: a Illian, a Tear, a Godon.
  • Midlands: a Caemlyn, a Four Kings, a Whitebridge, a Lugard.

WOT Variant Rules:

WOT Variant Rules: This Variant is based on Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series.

The rules follow the standard Diplomacy rules with the following exceptions, that must be adjucated manually:

  1. The Seafolk and Seanchen Navies are the only Navies able to enter the Deep Ocean territories (The Aryth Ocean and Sea of Storms).
  2. The Sea Folk must always have more Navies then Armies, and all other nations must always have more Armies then Navies.
  3. Shayol Ghul is controlled by the Trollocs. They will attempt to break out of the Blasted Lands when ever the Borderlanders become distracted. Any non-Trolloc Army that Holds north of Fal Dara, or remains there for more than 2 turns will be destroyed. The Trollocs will make no alliances and the GM must commit their moves before receiving moves from players.
  4. Once every 5 years, in the Winter, a Trolloc Army will appear in the Mountains of Doohm. GM should specify how the timing is determined in his/her house rules. This army must capture a supply center to survive the year, and will attack wherever it can. The Trolloc armies can support each other.
  5. Once every 5 years, in the Winter, an Aiel Raiding party (army) will appear in either the Jangai Pass or Niamh Pass. GM should specify how the timing is determined in his/her house rules. This army Will last for 2 years unless destroyed sooner. The Aiel will sack any SC they can reach, Primarily Cairhien or Tar Valon.
  6. Once every 5 years, in the Winter, Two Seanchen Navies will appear in the North Seanchen Sea and South Shenchen Sea. They will last for 3 years or until destroyed. If they capture a supply center that center becomes their home territory and they may expand. The 2 Navies will still disband at the end of three years, but do not count when calculating builds. If the Seanchen control a supply center when the next 5-year invasion occurs, only 1 Navy appears as free reinforcements. The Seanchen will make no alliances and the GM must commit their moves before receiving moves from players. If a player has been eliminated from the game they have the option of taking over the Seanchen.
  7. The Mountains of Dhoom, The North Seanchen and South Seanchen Seas are one way only. The cannot be entered by any unit, and their support cannot be cut.
  8. Note to GM - The starting Army of Aiel and Starting Navy of Seanchen must be removed before the game begins. RP requires at least one unit per nation. These are placeholder units and are not meant to exist until required as above.