World Diplomacy
by Tony Tella and David Norman
Based on World2 Diplomacy by David Norman, Map by John Frederick
The rules to Diplomacy are copyright 1999, Hasbro, Inc. See the board game for more information on how to play Diplomacy.
World 3C
World 3C was played in dc92
It ended in in a Solo for Ghana
World 3B
World 3B was played in dc92
It ended in in a Solo for the Mideast
World 3A
World 2
World 2 was played in dc24 and dc40.
dc24 ended in a 4-way draw.
dc40 ended in a Solo for Kenya.
Argentina: F BAI, F CHI, A SCR. Brazil: A BRA, A RDJ, F REC. China: A BEI, F GUA, A SHA. Europe: A FRA, A GER, F SPA. Frozen: F CAS, F LEN, F MAW. Ghana: A GHA, F GUI, A MAL. India: F BOM, A CLC, A DEL. Kenya: A KEN, F TAN, A UGA. Libya: A CHA, F LIB, A NSU. Mideast: A IRN, A IRQ, A SYR. Oz: F NSW, F VIC, F WAU. Pac.Rus: A ESI, A VLA, F YAK(sc). Quebec: F NEW, F ONT, A QBC. Russia: A BEL, A MOS, A STP. S.Africa: A BOT, A NAM, F SAF. Usa: F CAL, F FLA, A TEX. W.Canada: A BCO, F NWT, A YTE.
1. Left side of Map is for reference only. Plotting for Realpolitik you must use the right side of the map to plot the movements for that province
2. Bitmap file size: Realpolitik saves this bmp file as 24 bit. To decrease the size, open paintbrush->save as 256 color. After converting it to 256 colors, save it again as a .gif
1. Fleet Ontario can not move to Union (no passage)
2. The following contain canals:
- Turkey (Access to Bla and Med)
- Egypt (Access to Red and Med)
- Central America (access to Nep and Cse)
3. Armenia does not have a canal, all fleets moving into Armenia are always assumed to be on the coast facing Black Sea.
4. There are 86 supply centres, you need 44 to win
Afghanistan Afg Austria Hungary Ahu Alaska Ala Alberta Alb Algeria Alg Amazon Ama Angola Ang Arctic Ocean Aoc Ape Ape Armenia Arm Arabian Sea Ase Buenos Aires Bai Balkins Bal Bangkok Ban Barents Sea Bar Baltic Sea Bas Bat Bat British Columbia Bco Beijing Bei Belorussia Bel Beaufort Sea Bfs Bho Bho Bis Bis Black Sea Bla Bay of Bengal Bob Bolivia Bol Bombay Bom Botswana Bot Brasilia Bra Bering Sea Brs Bst Bst Burma Bur Cam Cam Car Car Casey Cas Central America Cen Chad Cha Chile Chi Carribean Islands Cis Calcutta Clc California Cal Columbia Col Congo Con Central Pacific Ocean Cpo Caribbean Sea Cse Delhi Del Dmv Dmv Deep South Dso East Atlantic Ocean Eao Egypt Egy East Pacific Ocean Epo East Siberia Esi East Siberian Sea Ess Ethiopia Eth Florida Fla France Fra Great Britan Gbr Germany Ger Ghana Gha Godthab God Gulf of Mexico Gom Gua Gua Gui Gui Guatamala Guy Hudson Bay Hba Hei Hei Inner Mongolia Imo Indonesia Ind Iran Ira Irkutsk Irk Iraq Irq Italy Ita Indian Territory Ite Japan Jap Java Sea Jse Kamchatka Kam Kazakhstan Kaz Kenya Ken Korea Kor Kyr Kyr Lanzhou Lan Leningradskaya Len Libya Lib Labrador Sea Lse Madagascar Mad Mali Mal Manitoba Man Mau Mau Mawson Maw Marie Byrd Land Mbl Madagascar Channel Mch Mediterranean Sea Med Mendoza Men Mexico Mex Midwest Mid Monterrey Mnt Mongolia Mon Morocco Mor Moscow Mos Mozambique Moz Nambia Nam Norwegian Dependency Nde Northeast Atlantic Nea Northeast Indian Nei Northeast Pacific Nep Nevada Nev New Foundland New Nge Nge Niger Nig Nov Nov North Pacific Ocean Npo North Sudan Nsu New South Wales Nsw Northern Territory Nte North Sea Nth Northwest Atlantic Nwa Norwegian Sea Nwg Northwest Indian Nwi Northwest Pacific Nwp Northwest Territories Nwt New Zealand Nze Omsk Oms Ontario Ont Pakistan Pak Peru Per Phillipines Phi Pacific Islands Pis Poland Pol Quebec Qbc Queensland Qsl Rio De Janero Rdj Recife Rec Red Sea Red Ross Ice Shelf Ris South Africa Saf Salvador Sal Sanae San San Paolo Sao Saudi Arabia Sar Saskatchewan Sas South Australia Sau Scandinavia Sca Santa Cruz Scr South China Sea Scs Southeast Atlantic Sea Southeast Indian Sei Southeast Pacific Sep Shanghai Sha Showa Sho Southern Indian Ocean Sio Sea of Japan Soj Somalia Som Sea of Oks Soo South Pole Sop Spain Spa South Pacific Ocean Spo South Sudan Ssu St Petersburg Stp Southwest Atlantic Swa Southwest Indian Swi Southwest Pacific Swp Syria Syr Tanzania Tan Texas Tex Thailand Tha Thule Thu Tibet Tib Turkmenistan Tkm Tasman Sea Tse Turkey Tur Uganda Uga Ukraine Ukr Union Uni Uruguay Ura Uzbekistan Uzb Venezuela Ven Victoria Vic Vietnam Vie Vladovostock Vla Vostok Vos West Atlantic Ocean Wao West Australia Wau Western China Wch West Pacific Ocean Wpo West Siberia Wsi Yakutsk Yak Yellow Sea Yse Yukon Territory Yte Zaire Zai Zambia Zam Zimbabwee Zim